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Homage to the Muses

I am desperately trying to remember an idea that I had earlier. It was so vivid, so good, that I was certain that I will remember it for years to come. A few hours later — nothing. Not a single shred of memory apart from the fact that it was good and important.  Where do our thoughts come from? Are they stored somewhere, and we just put our hands down, grab one by the neck and take it to the surface of our mind? No? Do we produce them? I guess that is the answer of most. ‘It is my thought! I built it myself’?  ‘Out of what’, I would ask. I always had the feeling that the thoughts do not belong to me. It always feels rather magical to have an idea and most of the time I don’t feel happy receiving the credit for it. I feel like a fraud, like a pretender.  People in older times were somehow humbler. They believed in the existence of the Muses, and I find this very agreeable. How wonderfully humble that idea is! I produce something, but only if I am inspired by the gods. So ‘...

Sympathy for the Devil

 Sympathy  for the Devil

'But what's puzzling you 

Is the nature of my game'

Actually, the nature of Lucifer’s game, or Mara as he is known in the Buddhist world, is not puzzling at all. Buddha and God, we can argue, are somehow different, but the nature of the Devil is very much the same — a great ego, the greatest ego imaginable. There is nothing else to his game. Actually, I am not sure why I am being sexist here. It seems that traditionally in major religions the demonic nature has often been identified as male. I guess it is because men are more associated with doing and showing off along the way. Nowadays, with women taking a more prominent role in the art of showing off, there is no need for discrimination. We can even say that Mara sounds very feminine in Slavic languages. So Luciferette and Mara can be female as well. In fact, in the films ‘The Passion of Christ’ and ‘The Ninth Gate’ Satan was played by a woman and I think that looked rather powerful.

Whether a woman or a man, that image has been a fascinating one through the centuries of Christian civilisation. The struggles of people, trying to overpower the demonic influences within, have been beautiful and grand. Some of them lost the battle, a few won, but the losses and victories were spectacular and splendid, those types of deeds that people sing about, weaving them into a beautiful poetry. The image of Jesus has been an inspiration for humanity in our part of the world in the past 2000 years. It was the Devil, however, that the folks had on their table, in their beds and their minds 24 hours a day. They were well acquainted with him, but he was not welcome; they were fascinated with him and yet, they knew that he wasn’t a good friend to have around. Here are some of Bob Dylan’s favourite songs of the devil on Theme Time Radio Hour. [](

When I look around nowadays, I cannot see that tension; I cannot see the grand image from throughout the centuries. It seems to me that the mighty Morning Star has split himself rather evenly into pieces and has taken over the human mind. The battle between good and evil has never been so tepid; most of us just go through the motions. The line between virtue and sin is getting thinner and thinner, which makes it easy to cross. 

The media, the celebrities, the influencers, and even our governments are telling us that if we desire it, we should have it. As long as they can sell it to us, it is all good. Even the so-called spiritual people have forgotten that, although they are supposed to forgive the sinners, it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t remind them of their sins. Equally in Christianity and Buddhism, selfish means bad. I am not familiar with other religions, but my guess is that they are pretty similar in their understanding of sin. Instead, our modern religion’s credo is to ask, ‘What it is that you desire?’. 

The celebrities are becoming confessors and advisors. I was shocked to read comments on the Internet, which sounded like prayers to God. They, however, were directed to an ordinary pop star. People really believed that she, a confused and suffering person herself, could solve their problems. That truly is like in the fable about the blind person leading people to safety. Which, by the way, reminded me that this trend actually started some time ago: Frida Kahlo thought that Karl Marx could cure her of her illness. She even expressed her faith on canvas!

I can go on and on, and some might say that I am simply getting old. That might be so, but nothing can change the ancient truth that greed, hatred, arrogance, jealousy, and the rest of the general selfishness in our minds and actions, is the nature of the game of Dr Satan and Mr Mara. The difference is that there have never been participants so eager to dance to their drum-beat. 

Just a thought: we should have a sympathy for the Devil, but not for his sins.


  1. So good! 👌🏻

  2. So true. If we don’t identify our enemy correctly we certainly cannot do battle with them


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