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Sympathy for the Devil

 Sympathy  for the Devil 'But what's puzzling you  Is the nature of my game' Actually, the nature of Lucifer’s game, or Mara as he is known in the Buddhist world, is not puzzling at all. Buddha and God, we can argue, are somehow different, but the nature of the Devil is very much the same — a great ego, the greatest ego imaginable. There is nothing else to his game. Actually, I am not sure why I am being sexist here. It seems that traditionally in major religions the demonic nature has often been identified as male. I guess it is because men are more associated with doing and showing off along the way. Nowadays, with women taking a more prominent role in the art of showing off, there is no need for discrimination. We can even say that Mara sounds very feminine in Slavic languages. So Luciferette and Mara can be female as well. In fact, in the films ‘The Passion of Christ’ and ‘The Ninth Gate’ Satan was played by a woman and I think that looked rather powerful. Whether a w...

The expanse of space

When I was a child, I would often fly in my dreams. It was wonderful to soar in space - no wings, no feathers  - just me and the sky. Sometimes I would wake up in the morning with the feeling that I could jump out of bed and fly my way to breakfast!
Unfortunately, after some time I developed a kind of worry. Electric cables appeared in my dreams and with them the fear that I might get caught up in them. I mentioned it to my mum and she laughed, brushing my fear off in the most nonchallant way. 'Those are just the telephone cables. The electric ones have been put underground long way ago.'
Now I think that my mum dealt with this most skilfully. Instead of trying to convince me that it was just a dream and it didn't matter, she took it seriously and gave me the help I needed on a material level. After that I kept on flying without fear. Of course, that lasted for a while. Later the cables of my concepts, criss-crossing the space of my mind, made sure that I stayed grounded.

Looking at the beautiful sky over Los Angeles, I wonder: how do people fly here in their dreams with so many cables tied up in the sky! 

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